Night depository services offer customers a safe and secure way to make deposits during non-banking hours. A night depository can be found at each Bank 1st location.
For frequent depositors, night depository contracts can be established with the bank. Two processing plans are available:
Plan 1
- Customer places a locked bag in the night depository to be obtained the following business day by an authorized person designated by the customer. With this option the bag is not opened by bank personnel for processing.
Plan 2
- Customer places deposits into the night depository to be processed under dual control by bank personnel the following business day. Customer is not required to be present for processing.
NOTE: Night depository contracts are not available at the St. Lucas branch as it is an envelope slot only.
In addition to the noted plans above, customers are welcomed to use the night depository for one-time deposits and loan payments. Transactions placed in the night depository will be processed the following day by bank personnel. No contract is required for these transactions.
For more information about Bank 1st night depository services, contact a Bank 1st employee.